Racial threats and slights take a toll on health, but the continual invalidation and questioning of whether those so-called microaggressions exist has an even more insidious effect, research shows.
Using technology to screen job applicants might be faster than reading CVs and face- to-face interviews but the most suitable candidate could be overlooked.
Translation involves more than just transferring words from one language to another. Better translations of study materials can improve both the diversity of study participants and research results.
First used in the 1970s, the social theory known as intersectionality triggered widespread debate on racial identifications and the interplay among categories.
Australia’s teachers are predominantly Australian-born, female, and non-Indigenous. Most hail from middle-class backgrounds with urban upbringings, and are less likely to have disabilities.
Policies that foster diversity, equity and inclusion have been shown to have many positive operational impacts − including leading to more worker engagement.
I’m an economist – but I can see many reasons for Australians to distrust my profession. Here’s how we could start to make economists better serve all Australians.
The media storm that is building on equity work after the death of a Toronto school principal will test Canadians’ commitment to doing the work needed to be done to address racism.
The burden of changing workplace gender relations has traditionally been on women, but men have an important role to play in creating gender equality at work and beyond.