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Articles on economic inequalities

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The gap between perceived and preferred equality is growing among Canadians. (Shutterstock)

Canadians are losing faith in the economy — and it’s affecting their perception of inequality

Perceptions of extreme inequality undermine peoples’ belief that the economy is working for them. This, in turn, dampens their aspirations to improve their economic lot.
Employees are more likely to put in long hours when they’re passionate about their work. sturti / Getty Images

5 drawbacks to following your passion

A sociologist took a critical look at the cherished career advice to ‘follow your passion.’ What she found is that this advice often brings unintended consequences.
The mismatch between youth skills and labour market expectations makes it challenging for young people to succeed in the world of work. Author provided/APHRC

How youth skills training in Kenya can reduce inequality

The system is well-resourced for urban and well-off families, but leaves the poor and mostly rural youth inadequately prepared.

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