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Articles on Electric vehicle policies

Displaying 1 - 20 of 37 articles

An electric bus charging on the side of a street in Montréal. Funding public transit is a good way to reduce greenhouse emissions while ensuring economic equality in moving to clean transportation. (Shutterstock)

Funding electric public transit can reduce emissions and address economic inequality

Rather than promoting individual electric vehicles for lower-income consumers, governments should fund electric public transit instead.
More EV charging hookups in public locations like garages and parking lots would prompt more drivers of color to buy EVs. Extreme Media via Getty Images

People of color are as interested in buying electric cars as white consumers – the biggest obstacle is access to charging

Reducing air pollution from cars and light trucks would pay big health dividends for low-income and minority communities. A new survey shows how to get more drivers of color into electric vehicles.

A rapid shift to electric vehicles can save 24,000 lives and leave us $148bn better off over the next 2 decades

Air pollution from traffic causes the deaths of thousands of Australians. A swift transition to electric vehicles will save lives – and save households and businesses money in the long run.

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