Children typically haven’t accumulated enough cellular damage to develop cancer. Because their bodies are still developing, pediatric cancers differ from adult cancers in key ways.
There are areas of biology that may be considered optional at younger year levels, such as botany, entomology and marine ecosystems. Evolution is not one of these.
According to this theory, our social and political views can be impacted not only by the sex of our children, but also whether we have more male or female relatives.
Scientists don’t ask how some people evolved to be tall. In the same way, asking how homosexuality evolved is the wrong question. We need to ask how human sexuality evolved in all its forms.
As machine automation and artificial intelligence surge, there’s paranoia our jobs will be overrun by robots. But even if this happens, work won’t disappear, because humans need it.
The genes in our cells’ mitochondria are passed on in a different way than the vast majority of our DNA. New studies shed light on how the unique process isn’t derailed by mutations.
Anti-ageing research often uses short-lived model species such as mice. But these species age in a very different way to us, so they may not tell us all that much about boosting our own lifespans.
Scientists of all kinds turn to computer models to investigate questions they can’t get at any other way. Here’s how models work and why we can trust them.