Before the advent of genetic testing, definitions of paternity were primarily social and legal. Science has destabilized these older definitions, but it has not replaced them.
The tasks of fatherhood are changing, but society’s expectations haven’t caught up. Many dads use online discussion groups, blogs and videos to explore their new identities.
Daughters across the US feel like their relationship with their father was damaged by their parents’ divorce. Here are steps daughters can take to repair that relationship.
Wives sometimes chide their husbands for being cold or distant toward their sons. But men express their love in subtle ways that deserve to be honored rather than belittled.
Andrew Leland, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Research reveals few differences between the parenting of gay men and their straight peers. But it looks like gay fathers could be more apt to volunteer at their children’s schools.
Why is it all about mom? Fathers want to be more involved in their children’s lives, but are limited by public policy and social institutions. This is a bad deal for dads, kids and moms alike.
Like moms, more dads are sweating the work-life balance. While just 35 percent of dads reported such conflicts in 1977, today 60 percent struggle to bring up baby while bringing home the bacon.
It’s long been known that it’s the male seahorse that gives birth to the young. But what role the father plays in the gestation is only now being revealed.
Feeling guilty and out of your depth as a parent? You’re not alone – and there are ways to turn the guilt you’re feeling into positive changes for your family.
Where there is mental illness, there’s almost invariably social disapproval and discrimination. And a report released by the Australian Institute of Family Studies today shows fathers with mental illness…
According to NatCen research, British fathers are among the worst in Europe at making time for their families. Spending huge amounts of time at work is seen as a sign of discipline and commitment, while…
Since the 1970s, family life in the UK has changed dramatically. Increases in relationship breakdown, remarriage and repartnering have seen us move away from the traditional, two-parent nuclear family…
As a society, we put a significant emphasis on women’s health both immediately prior to and during pregnancy – and rightly so. A woman needs to prepare her body for the arduous nine months of gestation…