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Articles on Fathering

Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 articles

Thirty-six percent of surveyed families with young children said they did not have enough diapers during the pandemic. Tony Arruzza/Corbis Documentary via Getty Images

Diaper need emerges as health indicator during pandemic

Researchers find that households without enough diapers for their children are more likely to struggle with other hardships.
What are the rules that make a man a father? Slava Potik/Unsplash

Who’s your daddy? Don’t ask a DNA test

Before the advent of genetic testing, definitions of paternity were primarily social and legal. Science has destabilized these older definitions, but it has not replaced them.
What dads do online helps them navigate gender roles as society changes. Monkey Business Images/

How new fathers use social media to make sense of their roles

The tasks of fatherhood are changing, but society’s expectations haven’t caught up. Many dads use online discussion groups, blogs and videos to explore their new identities.

The understated affection of fathers

Wives sometimes chide their husbands for being cold or distant toward their sons. But men express their love in subtle ways that deserve to be honored rather than belittled.
The number of men married to each other who have children is rising following legal rulings about marriage equality. Shutterstock

How families with 2 dads raise their kids

Research reveals few differences between the parenting of gay men and their straight peers. But it looks like gay fathers could be more apt to volunteer at their children’s schools.
It’s about more than gender dynamics: Do social institutions get in the way of dads being dads? Reginald Williams / Pexels

Why dads can’t be the dads they want to be

Why is it all about mom? Fathers want to be more involved in their children’s lives, but are limited by public policy and social institutions. This is a bad deal for dads, kids and moms alike.
Caring father and baby via Shutterstock. From

Low testosterone may make you a better father

While many men want to seek treatment for ‘low T,’ a low level of testosterone is good when it comes to being a nurturing father. Here’s why.

How fatherhood is changing for the better

I’ve been researching fatherhood for 25 years and, in the past, the traditional role of the father was manifest. But this is changing substantially.
Nobody’s perfect – not you, and not your kids. And that’s OK. from

Five things every guilty parent needs to know

Feeling guilty and out of your depth as a parent? You’re not alone – and there are ways to turn the guilt you’re feeling into positive changes for your family.
Some fathers with mental illness feel discriminated against for their – perceived or actual – inability to meet the traditional paternal responsibilities of provider, protector and role-model. momento mori/Flickr

Fathers with mental illness deserve better than stigma

Where there is mental illness, there’s almost invariably social disapproval and discrimination. And a report released by the Australian Institute of Family Studies today shows fathers with mental illness…
Fathers stick around if they can afford to. Orlando Rob

Hard evidence: what sort of people are absent fathers?

Since the 1970s, family life in the UK has changed dramatically. Increases in relationship breakdown, remarriage and repartnering have seen us move away from the traditional, two-parent nuclear family…
A father’s health prior to conception is just as important as the mother’s and has a serious impact on their child’s health. christyscherrer/flickr

Hey dad, your health affects your baby’s well-being too

As a society, we put a significant emphasis on women’s health both immediately prior to and during pregnancy – and rightly so. A woman needs to prepare her body for the arduous nine months of gestation…

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