Ben Egliston
Lecturer in Digital Cultures, University of Sydney
Marcus Carter
Senior Lecturer in Digital Cultures, SOAR Fellow., University of Sydney
Jay L. Zagorsky
Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy and Law, Boston University
Theo Tzanidis
Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, University of the West of Scotland
Steven Conway
Senior Lecturer - Games and Interactivity, Swinburne University of Technology
Jane Mavoa
PhD candidate researching children's play in digital games, The University of Melbourne
Johanna Weststar
Associate Professor of Labour and Employment Relations, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies, Western University
Brooke Maggs
PhD Candidate in Writing and Literature, Deakin University
Jacqueline Burgess
Lecturer in International Business, University of the Sunshine Coast
Lindsay Grace
Knight Chair in Interactive Media; Associate Professor of Communication, University of Miami