Three nations are in a global competition for power and influence. Ruma Aktar/iStock / Getty Images Plus August 26, 2024 How US military planning has shifted away from fighting terrorism to readying for tensions and conflict with China and Russia Eric Rosenbach, Harvard Kennedy School The Pentagon is preparing for what it calls ‘great power competition’ among the US, Russia and China.
EPA/Sergei Chirikov April 13, 2017 Why Russia and the US struggle to understand each other’s behaviour Kevork Oskanian, University of Birmingham The future of the relationship between the US and Russia depends on whether the Kremlin can find a way to interpret Trump’s motives.
Communities everywhere are feeling more vulnerable and the planet is suffering stresses too. Shutterstock/Nejron Photo September 29, 2014 Is a vulnerable world teetering on the edge of a new Dark Age? Joseph Camilleri, La Trobe University We appear to have reached one of those extraordinary moments in history when people everywhere, communities and even entire nations, feel increasingly stressed and vulnerable. The same may be said of the…