GetUp is already subject to the same type of regulation as a political party. By challenging its links to left-wing parties, though, the Coalition is seeking to strip away its claim of independence.
Green parties across Europe scored an all-time high in the European Parliament elections. Now, they’ll seek key reform on agriculture and trade – and could be kingmakers for Juncker’s replacement.
Anthony Albanese on Labor’s road ahead
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Speaking to The Conversation, Albanese wouldn't comment on Bill Shorten's unpopularity with voters, arguing instead that it's a matter of whether the Labor team is “seen as worthy of election".
Fairfax Ipsos gives Labor another win on two-party preferred, albeit with weird primary vote numbers, while the Labor party in Victoria has another poll win just over two months ahead of the state election.
The estimates have been prepared by the independent PBO, at the request of the Greens. The opposition has repeatedly sought annual figures, but the government resisted the demands.
The Greens plan would bring in “a Buffett rule” to ensure higher income earners paid their fair share of tax by limiting deductions made by those earning more than $300,000.
The recent elections in Tasmania, South Australia and the byelection in Batman have left an impression that the advance of the minor parties has stalled. This is not necessarily the case.
Pokies, housing, hospitals and gun laws might have been the specific issues that dominated the campaign, but the decisive factor was Tasmanians’ enduring apprehension about minority government.
As the fallout from the dual citizenship saga continues, the Greens and Labor are set to fight a close contest in Batman, while Nick Xenophon has work to do ahead of the South Australian election.
Director, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute & Professor of Medical Biology, and an honorary principal fellow in the Department of Zoology at the University of Melbourne, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)