Talk of a Labor-Green coalition brings with it images of Julia Gillard and Bob Brown signing the agreement that helped usher in her minority government.
The Greens are set to play a significant role in the election campaign and the new parliament. They are looking for gains in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Greens leader Richard Di Natale has copped a lot of flak on social media for his “black Wiggle” photoshoot, but he is simply broadening the idea of what it means to be Green.
Michelle Grattan talks to Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young about personal attacks on her, paying people smugglers to turn their boat around, gay marriage, and much more.
Labour, UKIP and the Greens all gained much bigger swings than the Conservatives, but were election losers. The first-past-the-post system let the Tories pick up a swag of seats with a 0.8% swing.
The balance of power in Australian green politics has shifted with the choice of Victorian Senator Richard Di Natale as Greens’ leader – and the speed of the change is a lesson for other parties.
Christine Milne has been seen as an ideological politician. But her record of working with minority governments of both stripes showed she could deliver on her agenda from outside the mainstream.
With just a day of campaigning left in the New South Wales election, the result is already clear. Mike Baird’s government will be re-elected – but the battle for 21 upper house seats will be crucial.
A re-elected Liberal National government needs to win 10 upper house seats in this year’s NSW election to hold a clear majority. But any fewer than 10, and it may need a Plan B on privatisation.
Darryl Woodford, Queensland University of Technology; Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology, and Katie Prowd, Queensland University of Technology
UPDATED March 27, 11:45am: These live infographics continue to show the most tweeted about people and parties in the New South Wales election.
The current predictions for the 2015 election place Conservatives and Labour neck and neck with projections of around 280 seats each. The most likely outcome of the general election would seem to be another…
The UK’s broadcast regulator Ofcom recently released a draft ruling that the Green party lacks sufficient support to qualify as a major party. This could give mainstream media the excuse they were searching…
The Greens have secured a deal with the Palmer United Party (PUP) and Labor that effectively kills the federal government’s plan to hand its environmental approval powers to the states under its “one-stop…
Greens senator Richard Di Natale is circulating a bill to legalise euthanasia throughout Australia, the Medical Services (Dying with Dignity) Exposure Draft Bill. The key provision permits – subject to…
In deciding to vote against the restoration of fuel excise indexation, the Greens have let the perfect be the enemy of the good. They’ve gone against their own policy, and appeared to be all over the place…
It appears certain that Western Australians will vote in fresh Senate elections later this year. Following the initial vote last September and the recount – when 1375 votes were unable to be located…
Director, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute & Professor of Medical Biology, and an honorary principal fellow in the Department of Zoology at the University of Melbourne, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)