Students who are Deaf or hard of hearing may feel isolated.
Jorge Elizaquibel
Some students with hearing difficulties feel lonely and excluded from daily campus life.
Universities have a role to play in equipping future teachers of the Deaf by teaching sign language.
Wits University
This is an opportunity for Deaf people to finally be properly educated in a language they understand.
Deaf students at the Khulani Special School learning sign language.
Leisa Tyler/LightRocket via Getty Images
Making South African Sign Language official is more symbolic than useful in the lives of a very marginalised community.
A patient’s age upon receiving a cochlear implant can influence the technology’s effectiveness.
Cavan Images/Cavan via Getty Images
Researchers are exploring different ways to improve how cochlear implant users perceive speech and music in noisy environments.
The FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 designated a new class of OTC hearing aids.
Heizeng Hu/Moment via Getty Images
OTC hearing aids promise to increase the accessibility and affordability of the devices for millions of adults who live with untreated mild to moderate hearing loss.
The South African Sign Language is offered as a school subject from pre-school until the final year of high school since 2015.
Schools and universities are embracing and promoting the use and teaching of South African Sign Language but more still needs to be done.
The FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 designated a new class of OTC hearing aids.
Johner Images/Getty Images
Only 3.7% of people in the U.S. with hearing difficulty own hearing aids. Thanks to a federal law in progress of being implemented, OTC hearing aids may help bridge the gap.
Learning how to say ‘more.’
JGI/Jamie Grill via Getty Images
Teaching deaf babies sign language improves the success of cochlear implants – and also safeguards their long-term physical and mental health.