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Articles on heroin overdose

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Peter Krykant’s unsanctioned overdose prevention centre allowed users in Glasgow to take drugs in his medically equipped van. Iain Masterton/Alamy

Drug deaths are rising and overdose prevention centres save lives, so why is the UK unwilling to introduce them?

There are around 200 supervised injection facilities around the world but the UK government remains opposed to their introduction
A safe injecting facility is a priority for Melbourne, but more can be done Australia wide. Julian Smith/AAP

A medically supervised injection facility matters for Victoria – and for more inclusive mental health support

The parliamentary inquiry into establishing an injecting room in Victoria has failed to make any recommendations. This is despite finding drug use is at crisis levels in the area.
Naloxone has been made available over the counter from a pharmacist so loved-ones of drug users can have it on hand in the event of an overdose. from

Weekly Dose: Naloxone, how to save a life from opioid overdose

Naloxone is used as an “antidote” for opioid overdose which includes heroin, and opioid pain medicines such as morphine, fentanyl and codeine.

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