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Articles on Hot weather

Displaying 1 - 20 of 42 articles

A young boy in Lebanon struggles to stay cool during a heat wave. Climate anxiety is real for millions around the globe and presents serious consequences for us all, especially younger generations. Working to reduce climate anxiety is an essential part of any climate plan. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Reducing eco-anxiety is a critical step in achieving any climate action

Climate anxiety is real and must be considered as a core component of any climate mitigation or adaptation and resilience strategy.
Northern Europe will experience the greatest relative increase in uncomfortably hot days if global temperature rise reaches 2°C. DRG Photography/Shutterstock

Northern Europe faces biggest relative increase in uncomfortable heat and is dangerously unprepared – new research

Rising temperatures threaten the UK, Switzerland and Norway with more uncomfortably hot days – new research.
Dean Lewins/AAP

Why Western Sydney is feeling the heat from climate change more than the rest of the city

Very hot days in Western Sydney are typically 5 degrees hotter than parts of the city close to the coast and are becoming more common, but only in the west. Four climate drivers explain the difference.

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