Record-breaking winter warmth has been felt across large parts of Australia, with more to come in coming days. A climate scientist explains what’s going on.
Extreme heat will continue to affect Canada, but the negative impacts on the most vulnerable, including those living with mental illness, can be reduced by taking steps to ensure healthier cities.
While running it briefly and intermittently at a very low temperature may feel thrifty, it will not be the most energy efficient choice. Here’s what to do instead.
Very hot days in Western Sydney are typically 5 degrees hotter than parts of the city close to the coast and are becoming more common, but only in the west. Four climate drivers explain the difference.
Soaring power bills add to people’s worries about keeping their homes cool, especially as their health can suffer if they don’t. Fortunately, there are effective and affordable ways to beat the heat.
A heatwave across northern Australia comes as a shock to the system. The impacts of heat are worst in early summer when we’ve had less time to acclimatise, so it’s important to heed health warnings.
Exposure to hot and dry conditions can damage the DNA of nestling birds in their first few days of life – meaning they age earlier and produce less offspring.