Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock August 12, 2021 COVID vaccine weekly: do British teenagers really need vaccinating more than adults overseas? Rob Reddick, The Conversation Getting first doses to countries short of supplies should be the priority, argues the World Health Organization.
Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock August 10, 2021 How will COVID vaccines work on compromised immune systems? Here’s what we know Steven Smith, Brunel University London Being immunocompromised appears to affect the vaccine response, but this seems to vary depending on the causes of the person’s low immunity.
Pigs with human immune systems. Ahlea Forster April 12, 2021 We’re creating ‘humanized pigs’ in our ultraclean lab to study human illnesses and treatments Christopher Tuggle, Iowa State University and Adeline Boettcher, Iowa State University Medical research to benefit people is first conducted in animals. Creating a new biomedical model by inserting human immune cells into pigs may lead to new insights and treatments.