The US Department of Education says special education students who missed out on services during the pandemic are likely eligible for additional help to make up for what was lost.
Four decades after the first Supreme Court ruling on the rights of students with disabilities, Congress has not made clear exactly what it expects of school districts.
From student loans to Title IX, Betsy DeVos has had a busy six months in office. But despite numerous reversals of Obama-era guidelines, little has come in the way of tangible policy.
Numerous measures are in place to help young disabled children thrive, but the transition beyond school can be a difficult one. Here are some tips for families to help their children prepare for life beyond.
The story of a six-year-old boy with dyslexia who, with support from friends and teachers, became a successful professor. Now he teaches teachers how to help children like him.
Students with chronic illness often get only a few hours of education a week. Telepresence robots could let them participate fully in classroom and school activities.
Black students get suspended or expelled at a rate three times greater than white students. The cost: they fall behind in school, and the cycle of poverty and failure is perpetuated.