As the issue of an open and free internet again comes up for public debate, Congress could participate – and help regulators devise a workable set of policies.
After violence in Charlottesville, internet firms are erasing bigoted content. But should private companies serve as unaccountable regulators and be responsible for policing complex social issues?
Cracking down on extremism online won’t solve the problem of extremist violence, will inevitably censor speech that’s important to protect and risks harming political dissidents and democracy itself.
British Prime Minister Theresa May called for an international cooperative effort to drive terrorists off the internet. How well have other global efforts to manage the internet fared?
As the Trump administration settles into office, regulators and lawmakers have big plans for shifting the country’s media landscape, with potentially profound effects on the public.
Trump’s FCC chairman Ajit Pai has proposed a major change in internet regulation, doing away with the Open Internet Order. Experts describe what’s at stake, and why it matters.
3D printing is opening doors to amazing opportunities and benefits – as well as some undeniable dangers. Patience and caution about regulating it will yield more innovation.
Cloud computing, by its very nature, transcends location, geography and territorial boundaries. Data accessed in one country might be stored half way across the world, or even in servers in multiple countries…
Some achieve celebrity, and some have celebrity thrust upon them, to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This may be how Alex Geutsitskiy and Katie Verkovod feel, a couple from Oregon who were captured…
Video games, Jane Austen, and a Welsh footballer: it might seem these three have nothing in common, but all have been the basis for online abuse targeted specifically at women. Of course, both men and…