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Articles on Internet law

Displaying 21 - 40 of 42 articles

Private companies are policing online hate without independent oversight or regulation, which has serious implications and poses risks for basic human rights and freedoms. (Shutterstock)

Why it’s a mistake to celebrate the crackdown on hate websites

After violence in Charlottesville, internet firms are erasing bigoted content. But should private companies serve as unaccountable regulators and be responsible for policing complex social issues?
Innovating with 3D printing offers huge promise, such as these 3D-printed microscopes. SynBioSRI/Flickr

Early days of internet offer lessons for boosting 3D printing

3D printing is opening doors to amazing opportunities and benefits – as well as some undeniable dangers. Patience and caution about regulating it will yield more innovation.
The internet and cloud computing transcend borders. Now it’s time for international law to catch up. Data courtesy Marc Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC. Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.

A new legal framework for the age of cloud computing

Cloud computing, by its very nature, transcends location, geography and territorial boundaries. Data accessed in one country might be stored half way across the world, or even in servers in multiple countries…
Caught in the moment, by the camera and the net. Paul Wolfe

Crowdsleuthing: curiosity can be a double-edged sword

Some achieve celebrity, and some have celebrity thrust upon them, to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This may be how Alex Geutsitskiy and Katie Verkovod feel, a couple from Oregon who were captured…

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