The transition from college to the workforce can be challenging, but these four strategies can help young workers get valuable experience and feel welcome.
Offering unpaid positions for what should be a paid job is against the law in Australia. What should graduates do then if they’re looking to get a foot in the employment door?
Work Integrated Learning includes placements, internships and work experience. It is increasing as students are expected to be more work-ready and to contribute to the economy post-graduation.
Jordan Jarvis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Rob Moodie, The University of Melbourne
It is time to have an open and honest discussion about who is – and isn’t – being trained to secure the future of our world’s health at the World Health Organization headquarters.
The use of unpaid internships in the human rights sector has ballooned in recent years. While human rights bodies have employed interns in a general work experience capacity for decades, the last few years…
In Australia, interns rarely get paid. Students and prospective employees undertake internships in order to skill themselves in the industry they wish to work in and to get a foot in the door. Issues arise…
The Education Office of the Western Australian State Parliament introduces students to the “real world” of politics and policy making though an internship program. The parliamentary internship looks a…
The fury unleashed on a young Melbourne University student for writing about her internship at Australia’s biggest selling newspaper provides lessons for us all. For those at the Herald Sun, it should…
Last week Reuters reported a former intern at Harper’s Bazaar is suing the magazine’s publisher, Hearst Corporation, saying her internship violated US labour laws because it was unpaid. The intern, who…