Kate Fitz-Gibbon
Professor (Practice), Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Monash University
Chay Brown
Managing Director, Her Story Consulting & Postdoctoral fellow, Australian National University
Sandra Walklate
Eleanor Rathbone Chair of Sociology, University of Liverpool
Heather Douglas
Professor of Law, The University of Melbourne
Anthony Idowu Ajayi
Research Scientist, African Population and Health Research Center
Kelsey Hegarty
Professor of Family Violence Prevention, Royal Women's Hospital and the Department of General Practice, The University of Melbourne
Samara McPhedran
Principal Research Fellow, Griffith University
Carmel Hobbs
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Tasmania
Anastasia Powell
Professor, Family and Sexual Violence, RMIT University
Ashley Haller
Research Technician at RESOLVE (Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse), University of Manitoba
Laura Tarzia
Associate professor, The University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne
Amy Fitzgerald
Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology, University of Windsor
April M. Zeoli
Associate Professor of Public Health, University of Michigan
Andrew Gibbs
Senior lecturer, University of Exeter
Silke Meyer
Professor of Social Work; Leneen Forde Chair in Child & Family Research, Griffith University