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Articles on Iron deficiency

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Anemia symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness and fatigue. Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Anemia afflicts nearly 1 in 4 people worldwide, but there are practical strategies for reducing it

Among young children, adolescents and adult women, anemia strikes 1 in 3 globally. Most cases are driven by dietary iron deficiency, red blood cell disorders and untreated tropical diseases.
Iron is contained in many vegetarian foods, and there are yummy ways to enhance how much you absorb. Shutterstock/Uber Images

Why iron is such an important part of your diet

Iron deficiency affects more than one in ten Australian women before they reach menopause. Better dietary choices can be part of the solution.
A mother and her son at a nutrition clinic in Kenya. Adequate nutrition for mothers is important for the health of their children. KUAP Pandipieri

Maternal malnutrition affects future generations. Kenya must break the cycle

In Kenya, not much attention has been paid to addressing pregnant women’s nutritional needs. This has exposed a gap in efforts to improve maternal and child health.

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