The term ‘Judeo-Christian’ serves political agendas. 1000 Words/Shutterstock December 24, 2020 The term ‘Judeo-Christian’ has been misused for political ends – a new ‘Abrahamic’ identity offers an alternative Toby Greene, Bar-Ilan University The idea that western values are ‘Judeo-Christian’ has been co-opted by the radical right to advance their anti-Islamic agenda.
Pope Paul VI banned contraception for Catholics in the 1968 encyclical, “Humanae Vitae.” AP Photo/Jim Pringle July 9, 2018 How the Catholic Church came to oppose birth control Lisa McClain, Boise State University July marks 50 years of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical prohibiting contraceptive use. For many years prior to it, the church had not been so explicit on its stance. How did it become such a thorny issue?
President Trump recently stated his support for ‘Judeo-Christian values’ … but what does that phrase really mean? Pixabay November 7, 2017 Why ‘Judeo-Christian values’ are a dog-whistle myth peddled by the far right M.J.C. Warren, University of Sheffield Its real purpose is to subsume Judaism and exclude Islam.