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Articles on Liberal leadership spill

Displaying 1 - 20 of 83 articles

Had Peter Dutton won the 2018 leadership ballot and become prime minister, the governor-general may have had some tricky legal arguments on his hands. AAP/Ellen Smith

If Dutton had defeated Turnbull, could the governor-general have stopped him becoming prime minister?

The Constitution says that the governor-general can only act to fill a vacancy in the prime ministership if there is one - but in this case, some complex questions would have arisen.
Malcolm Turnbull was the latest prime minister to be ousted before the end of his term in August, 2018. AAP/Sam Mooy

Book: Are short prime ministerships the new normal?

With John Howard in 2004-7 the last prime minister to serve a full term, it may seem Australia has sunk into a long rein of political instability. But that is not necessarily the case.
Members of the Liberal Party’s latter-day “broad church” could do worse than secure copies of these Malcolm Fraser’s manifesto for a new political party. AAP/ Luis Enrique Ascui

Malcolm Fraser’s political manifesto would make good reading for the Morrison government

Before he died, Malcolm Fraser was working on a manifesto for a new political party with centrist ideals – realising that the Liberal Party had lost touch with the people it asks to elect it.
Prime Minister-elect Scott Morrison would be mistaken if he believed his party’s salvation lay in a further lurch to the right in pursuit of an ill-defined “base”. AAP/Sam Mooy

Memo Scott Morrison: don’t chase the ‘base’

Morrison would be mistaken if he believed his party’s salvation lay in a further lurch to the right in pursuit of an ill-defined “base”

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