Rubbish piling up in Bristol, March 31 2020. Ben Birchall/PA Wire/PA Images April 30, 2020 Rubbish is piling up and recycling has stalled – waste systems must adapt Keiron Roberts, University of Portsmouth; Anne Stringfellow, University of Southampton, and Ian Williams, University of Southampton Lockdown has exposed real problems with the circular economy which urgently need to be addressed.
The act of repairing material objects generates a deep sense of care, pride, belonging and civic participation. June 12, 2019 Mending hearts: how a ‘repair economy’ creates a kinder, more caring community Katherine Wilson, Swinburne University of Technology A throwaway economy harms more than the natural environment. It also harms our mental environment.
An escalator with a pile of plastic bottles at the factory for processing and recycling. Alba_alioth/ January 16, 2019 Toward a circular economy: Tackling the plastics recycling problem Margaret Sobkowicz, UMass Lowell With all those blue recycling bins around you might think we are experts at recycling plastics. The truth is, that though many plastic items can be recycled, very few are. So what’s the solution?