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Articles on Local elections

Displaying 1 - 20 of 36 articles

Views on how to deal with the homeless encampments that have cropped up across California in recent years, such as this one in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, in June 2021, don’t fall neatly along party lines. Frederic J. Brown/Getty Images

Local elections are less partisan because voters will cross party lines when issues hit close to home

4 in 10 voters would back a candidate from the opposing party for local office if that politician shared their views on homelessness and housing, according to survey data from California.
Rather than encouraging people to become better citizens, rewards and fines can actually reduce peoples’ natural tendencies to do the right thing by others. from

Voter turnout at New Zealand local elections keeps falling, but paying people to vote could backfire

The idea that a small payment could motivate more people to vote resurfaces regularly, but this ignores evidence that monetary incentives to induce pro-social behaviour can be counterproductive.

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