Will Kamala Harris’ candidacy inspire other women to run for office?
Grant Baldwin/Getty Images
Until now, researchers and the public knew very little about how well women were represented outside the federal government.
Views on how to deal with the homeless encampments that have cropped up across California in recent years, such as this one in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, in June 2021, don’t fall neatly along party lines.
Frederic J. Brown/Getty Images
4 in 10 voters would back a candidate from the opposing party for local office if that politician shared their views on homelessness and housing, according to survey data from California.
The Ann Arbor Public Schools board discusses a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war on Jan. 17, 2024, in Ann Arbor, Mich.
AP Photo/Joey Cappelletti
A tradition of nonpartisanship on locally elected school boards is changing, following a national shift toward divisive political partisanship.
Stop the…votes.
EPA/Jason Alden
Local election results are strong predictors of general elections held in the same or following year.
arda savasciogullari/Shutterstock
Turkey’s central bank has raised interest rates in a much-needed reversal from years of unorthodox economic policy.
Uli Deck / EPA
Research finds that Ramadan can bolster the success of religious organisations and even influence the results of elections.
Will local election coverage help news organizations win back readers and viewers?
Allkindza/E+/Getty Images
There are lots of ideas about how to save local news. One of them is that increasing coverage of local politics will bring back readers and viewers. Research shows that it doesn’t.
People vote in the primary election at the civic center in Silver Spring, Md., on July 19, 2022.
Robb Hill for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Have these officials used their authority to interfere with America’s democratic process?
Some political parties, including the Economic Freedom Fighters, want municipal elections postponed because they can’t host campaign rallies.
EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook
It’s not convincing to argue that the political parties would not be able to campaign as they have done in the past.
The current government has been keen to centralise but has seen the value of local support during the pandemic.
England is voting for metro mayors and councils on May 6 at a crucial time for local decision-making.
Scottish and Welsh 16 and 17-year-olds can vote while their peers across the border are still disenfranchised.
Ms Jane Campbell/Shutterstock
There needs to be fair and equal voting rights for young people in England and Northern Ireland.
EPA/Tannen Maury
There are good reasons to call off a vote during a pandemic – but other good reasons to push ahead.
Rather than encouraging people to become better citizens, rewards and fines can actually reduce peoples’ natural tendencies to do the right thing by others.
from www.shutterstock.com
The idea that a small payment could motivate more people to vote resurfaces regularly, but this ignores evidence that monetary incentives to induce pro-social behaviour can be counterproductive.
Activists watch the count in Bath.
Rod Minchin/PA Wire
Do the local election results reflect local realities?
No place for young people.
Gareth Fuller/PA Images.
Parish council elections are a vital part of democracy – so why are people put off getting involved?
The Wisconsin State Capitol.
Democracies survive if political norms and traditions are upheld. So the recent actions of GOP legislators in Wisconsin and other states to hamstring incoming Democrats put democracy at risk.
Andrew Gillum with wife R. Jai Gillum addresses supporters after winning the Democrat primary for governor.
AP Photo/Steve Cannon
The mayor of Tallahassee underspent three rivals to win the state’s Democratic primary. But what awaits in the general election?
PA/Daniel Leal-Olivas
She lurches from crisis to crisis but the prime minister remains in post. How does she do it?
PA/Victoria Jones
Voting is all over the place in 2018. But Labour is the party with most to think about after this result.