This mural at London Zoo was the ninth animal artwork in Banksy’s latest series. EPA-EFE/Andy Rain August 20, 2024 The genius of Banksy’s London animal murals Nicholas Jenkins, University of the West of Scotland The murals have captured the public imagination because they play with something beyond the world of pop art – our love, fear and fascination with animals.
Andy Rain / EPA August 24, 2018 How London Zoo’s big ‘weigh in’ could help conservation in the wild Tara Pirie, University of Reading Data collected by zoos can help scientists model the populations of endangered species.
Steve Parsons/PA October 14, 2016 Zoos aren’t meant to be maximum security prisons – and sometimes there will be an escape Robert John Young, University of Salford Good zoos should be treated like they treat their animals. That means not beating them over the odd mishap.