Men currently only have two contraceptive options: condoms or a vasectomy. Javier Canales May 21, 2018 Here’s what’s on the horizon for a male contraceptive pill – but don’t hold your breath Adam Watkins, University of Nottingham Male contraceptives have been under development for at least the past 50 years, because of the success of the female pill and pessimism about men taking a pill.
Okay for women, but what about men? Shutterstock November 5, 2016 Why the male ‘pill’ is still so hard to swallow Adam Watkins, Aston University Side effects have led to the plug being pulled on the male contraceptive injection. But what about those experienced by women on the pill?
Shutterstock July 29, 2016 A new male contraceptive could help men bear the family planning burden Amir Zarrabi, Stellenbosch University The vasectomy is currently the only reliable contraceptive available to men. But a new option could give men more family planning power.