Australia’s population is more diverse than ever. But new research confirms Australia’s journalist workforce remains overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic and white.
Deficit discourse is created, in part, by a mainstream media and screen culture that is overwhelmingly white and doesn’t reflect the cultural diversity of its population.
The news Foxtel received a speedy funding boost as the ABC faces another round of damaging cost cuts will raise eyebrows. And questions about how we spend taxpayers’ money.
New research shows less than 10% of Australia’s artistic directors come from culturally diverse backgrounds – but many didn’t want the research to be done at all.
As we face a growing tide of unregulated hate speech, the media is crucial in normalising diversity. Yet progress here has been slow. Even the ABC has failed to meet some of its own targets for hiring a diversity of employees.
Writing Apu out of The Simpsons is a simplistic solution to the issue of diversity in media. Instead, we need to support programming created by people of colour.
Is the Australian media industry willing to come together to fight against global streaming media companies, or will Australian media continue to battle each other?
It’s not just how characters look. How they talk and the role they play have a profound impact on kids, who are quick to categorize characters as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ based on superficial qualities.
New research shows that Australians from diverse backgrounds are turning away from traditional media and heading online, a trend that has great significance for media companies.
The last-minute bargaining on media reforms are a minimalistic band-aid response that will do nothing to prevent further concentration of Australia’s media landscape.