Joanna Dee Das, Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis
Comedians like Stephen Colbert might mock the entertainment mecca, but live theater is in too much of a crisis to dismiss the town’s formula of spectacle meets story.
Laws shielding from prosecution those who kill and maim citing self-defense have spread across the states and may be fueling a ‘shoot now, think later’ mindset among homeowners.
President Joe Biden has urged lawmakers to act over abortion rights following the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. But is there a route to legislation?
With the race for the Democratic nomination narrowed to Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, six more states went to the polls on March 10. We asked three scholars to interpret the results.
Officers with college degrees were significantly more likely to pull over drivers for less serious violations, search drivers or their vehicles and make arrests on discretionary grounds.
Police practices like stop and frisk are often criticized as racial profiling. But it can be tricky to figure out from the data which officers are the worst offenders.
Conservative skeptics of climate change may support projects focused on ‘resilience’ – for example, preparing a community for future major weather events.
Clemson students have been organizing over the past two years on issues of racism and inclusion. What if the Clemson Tigers decided to do what the Missouri Tigers did?