Polyamory is on the rise, yet at the same time, younger people are turning away from romance and dating. Does Gen Z want multiple partners or none at all?
The publication 25 years ago of The Ethical Slut shattered social norms and stigma about non-monogamy. It’s now sold over 200,000 copies – and continues to be important.
It’s not logical to believe your relationship is “meant to be.” But believing in destined love may have evolved as a way to keep couples together long enough to reproduce and raise children.
A new study finds that women are just as likely as men to assume something’s wrong with a woman who decides she wants to sleep with a handful of partners.
The image of Black men in the US is distorted by the media and selective academic studies, says a scholar who has studied Black men’s romantic lives. ‘Black love matters’ is his counter to that image.
Biologists investigated whether birds that search for multiple mates would evolve ever more elaborate songs to attract them. What they found might have surprised Darwin.
Many people are ‘polyamorous’ — they have two or more romantic partners. Often they struggle to disclose this to family, making for challenges in the holidays.
Seeking monogamy without jealousy? Try ditching the fear of your partner’s intimate connections with others and write your own relationship rules, suggests a relationship researcher.
Although South Africa has taken steps to rid itself of the apartheid-era view of marriage as only heterosexual and monogamous, discrimination against religious marriages persist.
Victorian attitudes influenced what scientists thought they were observing about sexual behaviors in the animal world. But modern techniques reveal the myth for what it is.
While people cheating on their partners is frowned upon in modern society, monogamy among mammals is something of an evolutionary puzzle. Some stick to one sexual partner for a lifetime. That is why the…
Why do females cheat on their partners? A new study of songbirds in the US – published today – suggests cheating females are more successful in the long-run and get more grandchildren. Why? Because the…
Sex is often viewed as a totally harmonious interaction between a male and female with the same innate goal – to produce offspring. But it is becoming increasingly clear to biologists that the reproductive…
Visiting Professor in Biomedical Ethics, Murdoch Children's Research Institute; Distinguished Visiting Professor in Law, University of Melbourne; Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics, University of Oxford