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Articles on Neighbourhoods

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Simon Fraser University students compile survey packages for a community housing resident survey in North Vancouver in November 2023. (Meg Holden)

Higher density living is changing the way neighbouring works in Canada

Before we draw conclusions about the implications of social isolation, we should check our expectations of how, when and why neighbouring does or does not happen.
Researchers investigated how the availability of neighbourhood amenities may have contributed to changes in youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the pandemic. (Unsplash/Paul Hanaoka)

Neighbourhood amenities may have helped youth mental health and stress early in the pandemic

Neighbourhood features may have helped youth cope with the mental health impact of pandemic restrictions. Parks didn’t play much of a role but food amenities and the suburbs did.
Artist Joi T. Arcand explains ‘Never Surrender,’ ‘translates a …1980s Canadian pop song into the Cree language and recontextualiz[es] the lyrics as an anthem of Indigenous sovereignty.’ Here, the image layered over a photo of a Winnipeg sidewalk. (Noor)

Nuit Blanche Toronto goes virtual to change how people see art and public space

Both the COVID-19 pandemic and urgent debates around public heritage and monuments shape how Nuit Blanche Toronto is seeking to engage artists and viewers in remapping cities.
Members of the Oasis Senior Supportive Living Program pole walking in their community.

Beyond long-term care: The benefits of seniors’ communities that evolve on their own

Naturally occurring retirement communities, or NORCs, are unplanned communities that have a high proportion of older residents. They may be critical to finding housing solutions for aging Canadians.
A person carries groceries while walking among cyclists on Queen Elizabeth Drive in Ottawa on April 18, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

How to build more resilient cities post-coronavirus

Rebuilding cities post-pandemic will start with neighbourhood hope, and strong social and community planning.

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