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Articles on NFL concussions

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Every brain injury is unique, as is every person’s path to recovery. Chinnapong/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Brains have a remarkable ability to rewire themselves following injury − a concussion specialist explains the science behind rehabilitation and recovery

Concussions can teach researchers a great deal about how the brain recovers after injury and offer insights into how people can promote brain health throughout their lives.
San Francisco 49ers running back Jeff Wilson Jr (centre) in action against Los Angeles Rams linebacker Leonard Floyd (left) and Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle Aaron Donald (right) an NFL game in California in 2022. EPA-EFE/JOHN G. MABANGLO

Sport-induced traumatic brain injury: families reveal the ‘hell’ of living with the condition

Researchers spoke to families of athletes who had suffered from traumatic brain injuries during their sporting careers.
Sleep plays a critically important role in the recovery process in the days following a concussion. nicolamargaret/E+ via Getty Images

Concussions can cause disruptions to everyday life in both the short and long term – a neurophysiologist explains what to watch for

While high-profile concussions in the NFL have brought renewed attention to the gravity of head injuries, they can also occur on the playground or during junior varsity practices – with lasting effects.
Over the past two decades, researchers have gained a great deal of insight into the risks surrounding concussions – some of which has led to sweeping policy changes. Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images Sports via Getty Images

The risk of concussion lurks at the Super Bowl – and in all other sports

Millions of sports-related concussions occur in the US every year. Many of them happen to high school and college athletes.

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