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Articles on Pastoralism

Displaying 1 - 20 of 24 articles

Donkeys allow herders to travel further in the rocky terrain of southern Tunisia. Linda Pappagallo/Pastres

How pastoral farming can help to avoid a biodiversity crisis

Pastoral communities should be included in conservation initiatives – but the ecology of pastoral lands has long been misunderstood.
Archaeologist and paleoenvironmental researcher Isaac Hart of the University of Utah surveys a melting ice patch in western Mongolia. Peter Bittner

Melting Mongolian ice reveals fragile artifacts that provide clues about how past people lived

From the high Yukon to the mountains of Central Asia, melting ice exposes fragile ancient artifacts that tell the story of the past – and provide hints about how to respond to a changing climate.
Donkey carries water for pastoralists in Marsabit, Kenya. Kandukuru Nagarjun/Flickr

Why Kenya has banned the commercial slaughter of donkeys

Ejiao, a traditional Chinese medicine, is what’s driving demand for donkey skins the most. It consists of gelatin that is extracted from boiled donkey hides.
Livestock, like these goats in the Rift Valley of Tanzania, are critical to household economies in East Africa. Katherine Grillo

Ancient DNA is revealing the origins of livestock herding in Africa

Pastoralism is a central part of many Africans’ identity. But how and when did this way of life get started on the continent? Ancient DNA can reveal how herding populations spread.

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