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Articles on Patent wars

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With not one but two truces on the table, does this spell the end of the patent wars? [Magill]/Flickr

Apple, Google and Samsung … is it peacetime in the patent wars?

Apple and Google agreed last week to abandon mutual litigation over smartphone software and hardware patents. Yesterday the Korea Times reported that it appears likely Apple and Samsung will also reach…
Samsung and Apple’s lawyers are primed and, as always, battle-ready. Jayel Aheram

Patent Wars on the Pacific Rim, starring Apple and Samsung

By now, we’re surely all aware of the ongoing tussle between Apple and Samsung over patents, given it makes global headlines on a regular basis. So what are we to make of it? The current flashpoint comes…
Samsung is a major player in technologies that will deliver future telecommunications services. Robert Schlesinger/EPA

Sorry, Apple: Samsung is winning the war on 4G platforms

In light of the much-publicised dispute over handset design patents between Apple and Samsung, many commentators have cast Samsung as the “fast-follower”, while Apple is pushing at the frontier of innovation…
Biotech patents are worth big money, so companies would fiercely resist a compulsory licence. sam d

Is it time to unlock biotech patents?

We’re in for another round of the biotech patent wars, with announcement the Productivity Commission will inquire into the compulsory licensing of patents. If adopted, compulsory licensing could increase…
It can be hard to know where the next bit of hypercharged rhetoric will come from. fotoforlizzie

Patent wars … we get the war, but what about the patents?

If you believe the hype, the “patent wars” are well and truly underway. Google announced last week it will buy Motorola Mobility to get access to 15,000 of the handset manufacturer’s patents and HTC, Apple…

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