Apple and Google agreed last week to abandon mutual litigation over smartphone software and hardware patents. Yesterday the Korea Times reported that it appears likely Apple and Samsung will also reach…
By now, we’re surely all aware of the ongoing tussle between Apple and Samsung over patents, given it makes global headlines on a regular basis. So what are we to make of it? The current flashpoint comes…
Sung-Young Kim, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
In light of the much-publicised dispute over handset design patents between Apple and Samsung, many commentators have cast Samsung as the “fast-follower”, while Apple is pushing at the frontier of innovation…
Last Friday, a US jury delivered its verdict in one US front of the ongoing patent war between Apple and Samsung. The bottom line? The jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple roughly US$1.5 billion for patent…
We’re in for another round of the biotech patent wars, with announcement the Productivity Commission will inquire into the compulsory licensing of patents. If adopted, compulsory licensing could increase…
Santa has arrived early this year, with good news for consumers, lawyers, journalists and people who wonder about the legitimacy of Australian patent law. Yesterday, the Australian Federal Court released…
The patent wars took a bizarre turn this week. Samsung, currently defending itself against a legal move by Apple to have four Samsung smartphones and tablets banned from America due to alleged patent infringement…
If you believe the hype, the “patent wars” are well and truly underway. Google announced last week it will buy Motorola Mobility to get access to 15,000 of the handset manufacturer’s patents and HTC, Apple…
Google surprised the entire tech industry last night by announcing it is acquiring Motorola Mobility, the maker of Droid smartphones and Xoom tablets, for US$12.5 billion in cash. This move, the largest…
Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Discipline of Politics & International Relations, Macquarie School of Social Sciences, Macquarie University