First published in 1975, Animal Liberation opened our eyes to the exploitation of animals. At a time of ‘ag-gag’ laws and ‘skyscraper’ farms, a new edition assesses the state of animal rights today.
Philosopher Peter Singer has helped launch a new, pseudonymous journal for the discussion of unpopular views. Will this be a boon for free inquiry, or a way for researchers to shirk responsibility?
American spending on pets is more than the combined GDP of the 39 poorest countries in the world. What if even a small percentage of this spending was allocated to reducing suffering, asks a philosopher.
The coworking company, WeWork, has banned meat, citing an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint. For centuries, philosophers have made a moral case against meat-eating.
Australians donate around A$2.4 billion to charity each year, but how many lives does that impact? Effective altruism is a social movement focused on maximising the impact of your donated time and money.
Senator Cory Bernardi has been reviled for associating homosexuality with something repugnant, bestiality. Yet Australia has just awarded its highest civilian honour to a philosopher who provides a moral…