Key education policy decisions in the early 2000s have not produced the desired results. But broad bipartisan agreement is now needed to give children and teachers the greatest chance of success.
Australia has a wide gap in educational outcomes between children in poverty and their better-off peers. A new study indicates why reducing child poverty is the best way to lift our educational game.
Motivation plays a large part in educational success. Of students who sat the PISA test in 2018, 73% indicated they would have put in more effort had the scores counted towards their school marks.
Lockdowns and learning from home have further embedded digital technology in young people’s lives. Educational theory and practice need to catch up fast.
Improving initial teacher education is a long-term strategy. It won’t achieve the education minister’s goal of getting Australia to the top-performing nations in maths and literacy by 2030.
The skills children learn at school have dramatic implications for their own future and the nation’s productivity, living standards and income inequality.
The main problem plaguing Alberta students’ math performance isn’t the current math curriculum or teacher accountability, but inequality and ballooning class sizes.
There are many reasons to be skeptical about PISA rankings, and their use to compare student achievement or to identify best practices or solutions for educational problems.
Research shows that the provinces vary widely in their ability to produce academic results for money they spend, and PEI shows the most efficient results.
The stakes could be highest for students around the world as education systems decide how to respond to the changing shape of global standardized testing.
The Shanghai maths method is considered to be one the best in the world for teaching students mathematics, but it doesn’t necessarily translate well into English schools.
News of Canada’s successful immigrant students glosses over important stories of racism, for example the ‘streaming’ of Black males. But without more data beyond Toronto, the story is hard to share.
Sue Thomson, Australian Council for Educational Research
Australian students, on average, reported a poorer sense of belonging at school than the OECD average. But issues with sense of belonging aren’t distributed evenly across the population.
Indonesia has allocated a huge percentage of education funding to improve the quality of teachers through various reforms. Yet their performance has not improved. What was missing?
Canada’s educational performance internationally has remained stagnant over the past decade. Students’ science and math proficiency is especially worrying.