Across the economy, similar things tend to have similar prices. Have these been driven to their lowest natural level by competition? Or are firms abusing market power to charge whatever they want?
Severe weather and disease in Brazil’s main growing regions have led to a major global shortage. Australia does grow a lot of its own oranges, but still relies heavily on imported juice.
Bree Hurst, Queensland University of Technology; Carol Richards, Queensland University of Technology; Hope Johnson, Queensland University of Technology, and Rudolf Messner, Queensland University of Technology
A Senate enquiry has found both suppliers and customers of our supermarkets are struggling. Regulators have to find a way to rebalance the market, which doesn’t make these groups bear the cost.
Supermarket pricing is a big story but let’s forget the media coverage, the politician sound bytes and the corporate PR for a moment. What are ordinary Australians saying about supermarket pricing?
Retail stores change the prices of their products based on the shopping habits of consumers. But consumers come in a variety of types, and not all of them influence prices equally.