Cath Pearn, Australian Council for Educational Research
For years you may have been adding and subtracting numbers in your head in a certain way, but these strategies were never formally taught at school. Now they are, and they all have names.
Students in Year 3 had slightly higher results in NAPLAN if they were held back. By Year 9 students who were held back did no better on NAPLAN tests than those sent when first eligible.
If you suspect your child – whether they are in early childhood education and care, primary or secondary school – has a questionable friend, here are some tips on how to deal with it.
One-quarter of children who start school aren’t developmentally ready. Play-based learning in the early years of school can help with the transition, as well as providing a host of other benefits.
New research shows that extra-curricular activities do more to help close the attainment gap between richer and poorer pupils than nebulous lessons in ‘character’.
Grade 4 student Charlene seemed chronically off-task – until an educator noticed she was, in fact, the sole student pursuing the question, ‘Was the oil boom bad for our wildlife?’
The plan to fully implement a quality early childhood program in all Nova Scotia public schools is crucial when more than one in five children live in poverty.