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Articles on Public Intellectual

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Giving a TED talk and/or tweeting are becoming expected parts of an up-and-coming digital professor’s job. (William Saito)

The professor of the future: Digital and critical

Young professors are challenged to engage in public outreach using digital technologies, without becoming mouthpieces for corporate elites.
Why scholars need to talk about their research with the lay public. AIDSVaccine

Should writing for the public count toward tenure?

The American Sociological Association is starting a conversation to include “public communication” – work often largely ignored – in the assessment of a scholar’s contributions. Why does it matter?
UCSF neuroscience grad student Sama Ahmed, whose three-minute talk on ‘how to know your species’ won first place at the campuswide contest, will compete for the Grad Slam championship in Oakland May 4. Susan Merrell/UCSF

Why more scientists are needed in the public square

The president of one of the country’s leading research university systems argues that the academic community has to make sure researchers and scientists engage with the general public.

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