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Articles on School discipline

Displaying 21 - 40 of 56 articles

Teachers can suffer abuse on the job.

Violence and other forms of abuse against teachers: 5 questions answered

From being subjected to harassment and threats to getting assaulted or having their cars keyed, many American teachers are being victimized.
Corporal punishment in schools around the world is disappearing, but a handful of countries have held on to the practice. Cat Act Art/

School spankings are banned just about everywhere around the world except in US

While more and more countries have moved to ban corporal punishment in schools, certain types of nations have been slower than others to outlaw the practice. A recent analysis seeks to explain why.
LeBron James speaks at the opening ceremony for the I Promise School in Akron, Ohio. Phil Long/AP

Why LeBron James’ I Promise School should be more like LeBron and not shy away from issues of race

In order to be successful, the I Promise Academy needs to confront issues of race – much like LeBron James himself, who launched the school amid great fanfare in 2018, an education scholar argues.
School experiments with new ways to discipline students without suspending them show mixed results. Africa Studio /

Restorative practices may not be the solution, but neither are suspensions

Although new evidence shows mixed results for “restorative justice” practices, that’s no reason for schools to stop looking for alternatives to school suspensions, a school safety scholar argues.
The code of the street – where respect is won by fighting – often follows children into school. Pixel-Shot/

School suspensions don’t stop violence – they help students celebrate it

While school suspensions are meant to deter violence and other troublesome behavior, some students see being suspended as something that makes them more popular and tough, a researcher has found.
A New Jersey mother shows up at her son’s class as a clown to get him to stop misbehaving in school. The boy’s principal posted a video of the visit online. Instagram of Sean Larry

Why shaming your children on social media may make things worse

As more parents turn to social media to post videos of themselves punishing their children, an educational psychologist warns that the practice may cause more harm than good.
Numerous data show black students are kicked out of school at disproportionate rates. Rido/

How activists are fighting racial disparities in school discipline

A grassroots movement to end racial disparities in schoolhouse discipline is beginning to take root throughout the nation and winning important victories at the local level. Can it sustain the effort?

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