That it has taken more than five months and a compulsory declaration procedure for some MPs’ dual citizenship issues to come to light reflects extremely badly on them.
The High Court ruling over the five MPs’ legitimacy to hold seats may hang on whether they took reasonable steps to renounce their non-Australian citizenships.
Given the events of the past week, now is an opportune time to discuss reform of a section of the Constitution that makes dual nationals ineligible to sit in parliament.
What are the odds of three Senate candidates without a snowflake’s chance in hell of winning the seats they were pursuing at the 2016 election suddenly finding themselves gifted places courtesy of the…
The Greens are in shock after their co-deputy leader, Scott Ludlam, discovered he is ineligible to sit in federal parliament because he has dual New Zealand citizenship.
The Greens’ Senator Scott Ludlam said changes to arts funding will mean arts minister George Brandis won’t need to publicly disclose who he’s funding. He said it’s unbelievable – but is it true?
The Greens mostly like to keep their party ‘internals’ internal. The leadership transition from Christine Milne to Victorian senator Richard Di Natale was marked by secrecy and tightly stitched up.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will officially declare the result of the full recount of the Western Australian Senate vote today. Scott Ludlam from the Australian Greens and Wayne Dropulich…