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Articles on Second Amendment

Displaying 41 - 53 of 53 articles

Late actor and former National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston held a rifle aloft at a 2002 get-out-the-vote rally. AP Photo/Jim Cole

The NRA’s journey from marksmanship to political brinkmanship

The group, founded in 1871, didn’t try to smother virtually all gun control efforts until the mid-1970s.
People protest gun violence outside the White House on Feb. 19 following the latest mass school shooting, this one in Florida. Like the teens and children who showed up at the White House and elsewhere to protest, Americans must rediscover themselves as a revolutionary people who are not afraid to start over. (Shutterstock)

U.S. gun violence is a symptom of a long historical problem

Proposals for gun control run into vehement opposition from many Americans who, for deep historical reasons of race and revolution, continue to claim the right to use deadly force.
Protesters at the Supreme Court rally to stop Texas abortion regulations. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Is the Constitution at stake in this year’s election?

A 20-year conservative trend in the Supreme Court is on the line. A constitutional scholar examines why this issue alone will drive herds of voters to the polls in November.
Members of various militia groups met in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. One dressed as a Continental army officer. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

The Bundys think they are preserving democracy by occupying Oregon’s Malheur refuge, but they are undermining it

The notion of civil rebellion – like the one at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge – is at the heart of the Second Amendment. But so is the idea that such rebellions should not be undertaken lightly.
Hold it right there. Michael Dalder/Reuters

What makes a ‘smart gun’ smart?

President Obama’s call for better electronic gun-safety systems put a spotlight on the technologies currently in the R&D pipeline that aim to make sure only authorized users can fire a gun.

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