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Articles on sex change

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The male bluehead wrasse defends his group of yellow females, one of whom has to step-up and take charge if he leaves. Kevin Bryant

What we learn from a fish that can change sex in just 10 days

When a male bluehead wrasse is removed from the group he dominates, the largest female changes sex, rapidly transforming ovaries into sperm-producing testes. Molecular research shows how.
The giant freshwater prawn is native to the Indo-West Pacific from northwest India to Vietnam, Philippines, New Guinea and northern Australia. It has been introduced into many countries for aquaculture.

Breeding single-sex animal populations could help prevent disease and poverty

Entire populations of prawn ‘super-females’ are now being commercially distributed. The science behind this continues to advance and could have a far-reaching impact on both humans and animals.
Gender dysphoria is when a person’s subjectively felt gender is incongruent with her or his biological sex. Purple Sherbet Photography/Flickr

Children with gender dysphoria deserve better from the law

The legal steps they’re required to take for gender dysphoria treatment places an unnecessary burden on children and their families.

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