Burkina Faso’s former President, Blaise Compaore, convicted for the murder of Thomas Sankara.
SIA KAMBOU/AFP via Getty Images
The guilty verdict on Blaise Compaoré should be celebrated as a landmark victory for democracy and peoples’ movements in Africa.
Des manifestants tiennent une photo du lieutenant-colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, qui a mené le coup d'État contre le président du Burkina Faso, Roch Kaboré.
Photo by Olympia De Maismont/AFP via Getty Images
Avec le dernier coup d'État au Burkina Faso, les décideurs politiques ouest-africains, français et américains sont à la croisée des chemins.
L'ancien président Roch Marc Christian Kaboré a été mis aux arrêts.
Koch / MSC/Wikimedia Commons
L'Afrique a connu plus de tentatives de coup d'État en 2021 qu’au cours des cinq années précédentes réunies.
Demonstrators hold a picture of Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba who led the coup against Burkina Faso president Roch Kabore.
Photo by Olympia De Maismont/AFP via Getty Images
The latest coup now presents a fork in the road for West African, French, and American policymakers.
Former President Roch Marc Christian Kabore has been detained.
Koch / MSC/Wikimedia Commons
Africa saw more coup attempts in 2021 than the preceding five years combined.
An honorary guard of Burkina Faso soldiers.
Photo by Olympia De Maismont/AFP via Getty Images
Democracy is messy. It facilitates change, but through an imperfect process of self-correction. This requires patience, engagement, and commitment.
Thomas Sankara still casts a long shadow in Burkina Faso.
Wikimedia Commons
Burkina Faso is still in the throes of chaos decades after the assasination of the charismatic president
Some in the DRC identify opposition leader Martin Fayulu as the winner but official results have yet to be released.
The recent poll in the DRC was messy. Nevertheless, it showed that significant change is underway in the country.
The cover of Childish Gambino’s album ‘Awaken my love’.
In a gloomy year filled, a number of artists with an Afrofuturist perspective gave hope with inspired works of art.
Thomas Sankara remains a revered figure in Burkina Faso long after his death.
Reuters/Joe Penney
Many African countries continue to creep along a predetermined path that takes them away from any real possibility to defend their sovereignty and meet the needs of their people.