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Articles on Tragedy of the commons

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The UN’s 2022 “Transforming Education Summit” highlighted how staggering the need is for education in the world. Gaëll Mainguy/Learning Planet Institute

Mind the gaps: the world needs to radically transform its educational systems, not just upgrade them

At the Learning Planet Institute, an initiative launched with UNESCO, we’ve seen many programs that foster the ability and motivation to learn, act and lead for a better world.
Researchers collect samples from the abandoned tailings that flow into Long Lake, near Sudbury, Ont. John Gunn

Cleaning up abandoned mines means we all pay the price

Bankrupt oil and gas companies must clean up old wells, yet taxpayers are still stuck with the bill for abandoned mines.
6-year-olds have the social skills to cooperatively overcome the competition of a resource dilemma. from

What children can teach us about looking after the environment

New research shows that children as young as six have the social skills necessary to cooperate and sustain a shared resource.

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