Thomas Burelli, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa; Haoran Liu, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa, and Marie Dykukha, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Electronic sports, or esports, is a practice that is often looked down upon. But it is a growing global phenomenon played on an incredible scale.
When people hear the term ‘liberal arts,’ it may sound like a phrase with political overtones. A scholar of literature explains why that’s wrong and takes a closer look at its origin and meaning.
Each encounter that health-care students have with patients and families helps them understand real-world patient needs. That means all Canadians have a role in educating future health-care providers.
Vocational education and training is facing some big changes. The federal government is proposing a five-year National Skills Agreement with the states to start next year.
Youth unemployment in Nigeria is a skills mismatch problem – corporations can’t find suitable workers in the midst of a large pool of unemployed workers.
Scicomm is a hashtag, and there are many programs that claim to teach scientists how to be better communicators. But it’s hard to show exactly what they’re accomplishing.