Trump’s agenda to pull America from key global alliances is more evidence that suggests it is. A law professor probes the unknown of what a world without such cooperation might look like.
Trump’s ‘America first’ rhetoric implies that the internationalism and ‘enlightened self-interest’ that built the postwar order was a big mistake. The evidence and basic economics disagree.
The main arguments in favor of the TPP were economic. But there’s another reason the Trump administration should rethink its promise to nix it: Its demise will weaken US national security.
Trade adjustment assistance, dubbed ‘burial insurance’ by those it’s supposed to help, needs to be significantly reformed so that future trade deals don’t have so many workers feeling left behind.
The major presidential candidates each gave an economic address this week. Get behind the problems they identified and the promises they made with this roundup of key coverage from our archive.
Leading progressives including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have been very vocal in opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Here’s why they should get on board.
In 1872, free traders split with the young Republican Party, ran a third-party candidate against Ulysses S. Grant and sparked 100 years of GOP protectionism. Is history repeating itself?