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Articles on Urinary Tract Infection

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Sepsis begins with infection by bacteria or a virus. This panoramic ilustration inside a blood vessel shows rod-shaped bacteria, red blood cells and immune cells called leukocytes. Kateryna Kon/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Sepsis still kills 1 in 5 people worldwide – two ICU physicians offer a new approach to stopping it

Sepsis onset can be difficult to recognize, in part because its symptoms can mimic those of many other conditions. A treatment delay of even a few hours can make the difference between life and death.
Drips and other medical devices were potential sources of infection. But no-one expected to find hospital-acquired pneumonia and urinary tract infections. from

1 in 10 patients are infected in hospital, and it’s not always with what you think

A surprising number of people are catching pneumonia or urinary tract infections in hospital, a new Australian study shows for the first time.
Initiatives in infection prevention and control remain critical at all levels of government and in hospitals. from

Here’s how many people get infections in Australian hospitals every year

Australia does not have a national system that collects data on hospital acquired infections. But new research has shed light on how many do occur each year across the country.
Manuka honey’s antimicrobial effects are well understood. Wikimedia Commons

Manuka honey may help prevent life-threatening urinary infections

Manuka honey could prevent serious urinary tract infections caused by catheters – tubes used to drain patients’ bladders, new laboratory research has found.

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