Global human rights is an area where Chinese officials are willing to engage with the international community and could provide a window of opportunity towards further progress in the future.
The spectacle of two UN Security Council members — China and Russia — allegedly perpetrating mass atrocity crimes is deeply troubling. Here’s how the international community must step up.
Many genocide classes review the Holocaust or Cambodia’s Killing Fields. A scholar wanted to show that genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing still happen today.
The Chinese government’s action in Xinjiang may constitute crimes against humanity, says a long awaited report from UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
China’s industrial-scale organ trafficking practice has been executing prisoners of conscience and using their organs for transplantation for decades. This is known as forced organ harvesting.
In recent years, the Chinese government has used scholarships to shape the views of Indonesian Muslim students on controversial issues such as the mistreatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
Vladimir Putin has justified his invasion of Ukraine with baseless claims that Ukraine is committing genocide. It isn’t the first time a political leader has cried genocide for political means.
The international community trumpets its commitment to ‘universal human rights’. Yet, it has failed to take real action against Beijing for its treatment of minorities in Xinjiang.
The International Olympic Committee’s position is clear. Human rights be damned. Refugees be damned. The Games must go on. The rest is window dressing.