Fire engulfs the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993.
AP Photo/Ron Heflin
Waco has been used as a rallying cry for decades, two scholars of domestic extremism explain.
Separation of church and state: no longer so separate?
Amanda Wayne/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Distrust of government blended with strains of Christian fundamentalism can produce a violent form of Christian nationalism, a scholar explains.
Supporters of President Trump put up a cross outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,
Win McNamee/Getty Images
The fusing of Christian nationalism and violent extremism on display during the attack on the US Capitol can be traced, in part, to two incidents in the early 1990s.
Followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh embrace during a meditation session at Rajneeshpuram.
AP Photo/Bill Miller
A scholar visited Rajneeshpuram and met the many highly accomplished men and women who became devotees of the controversial guru. What brought them to the spiritual community, and what made them stay?
25 years ago, the Waco siege became a symbol of government attacks on religious and civil liberties.
Fire engulfs the Branch Davidian residence near Waco, Texas on April 19, 1993.
Ron Heflin/AP Photo
The story of the Waco siege is a story of how the media and the government can work in concert to shape a narrative and dehumanize victims.
A 1979 image that shows disciples of Rajneesh lying on the ground, in meditation at the mystic’s headquarters in Poona, India.
AP Photo/Eddie Adams
A scholar explains the popular use of the label ‘cult,’ and what makes it problematic.
A surveillance photograph of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, 1992.
U.S. Marshal Service/Wikimedia Commons
The radical right has a keen sense of its own history, and the violence of the 1990s is still fresh in its memory.
U.S. Attorney General-designate Janet Reno is sworn in, 1993.
AP Photo/Barry Thumma
At a time when politicians are struggling to gain the public’s trust, Janet Reno’s legacy as an honest, humble public servant may serve as an example moving forward from the election.
Harney County residents gather to protest the FBI’s presence at the airport in Burns, Oregon, January 31, 2016.
REUTERS/Jim Urquhart
Race may have played a role in the muted federal response to the standoff at Malheur Wildlife Refuge, but it goes deeper than that.