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Articles on Wentworth byelection

Displaying 21 - 34 of 34 articles

Independent Kerryn Phelps has slumped in the polls ahead of the Wentworth byelection, which was likely caused by changing her position on preferences. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Poll wrap: Phelps slumps to third in Wentworth; Trump’s ratings up after fight over Kavanaugh

A change of heart on preferences appears to have cost the high-profile independent in Wentworth, while the controversy around Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation has been of benefit to Donald Trump.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison appears to be enjoying a honeymoon period, with the Coalition up two points on two-party preferred in the latest Newspoll. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Poll wrap: Labor drops in Newspoll but still has large lead; NSW ReachTEL poll tied 50-50

The Coalition’s recent hit in the polls seems to be subsiding, while Kerryn Phelps may have made a damaging error by announcing she’ll preference the Liberals in the Wentworth byelection.
The latest Fairfax Ipsos poll gives Labor a 53-47 lead, a two-point gain for the Coalition since mid-August. AAP/Lukas Coch

Poll wrap: Labor’s lead shrinks in federal Ipsos, but grows in Victorian Galaxy; Trump’s ratings slip

Fairfax Ipsos gives Labor another win on two-party preferred, albeit with weird primary vote numbers, while the Labor party in Victoria has another poll win just over two months ahead of the state election.
Morrison’s style of campaigning and how well he goes over on the ground will be carefully watched for indications of his potential strengths or weaknesses come the main game next year. Mick Tsikas/AAP

View from The Hill: Morrison faces the challenge of community-based candidate in Wentworth

For Phelps the byelection is important but for Morrison, it is critical. If Wentworth is lost, the Coalition loses majority. There could be some paralysis and the fear in the ranks will increase.
Likely independent candidate for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps could attract a lot of disillusioned Liberal votes. Danny Casey/AAP

Wentworth goes to the polls on October 20

The byelection is vital for Scott Morrison who will face a very difficult test in his initial days as prime minister. He will encounter a lot of anger in the electorate at the removal of Turnbull.
Phelps, a Sydney City councillor lives and practices as a GP in the Wentworth electorate, and could be expected to attract a substantial vote if she ran as an independent. Joel Carrett/AAP

Party leaders need to address federal parliament’s intolerable workplace culture: Phelps

Attention is coming on the Minister for Women Kelly O'Dwyer, who issued a general statement last week condemning bullying, to take a stronger stand. O'Dwyer is expected to say more this week.
Morrison did not want Abbott in cabinet, but he does want to be seen to be making a gesture of conciliation to the former leader, who has been a critic of policy on energy and immigration in particular. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Turnbull resigning seat on Friday, giving Morrison a real-time voting test

Wentworth has a 17.7% margin but Turnbull’s personal vote is large and the campaign there could be difficult and certainly will be expensive.

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