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Articles on Diabetes

Displaying 1 - 20 of 387 articles

Type 2 diabetes is not a singular condition; it exists as a spectrum with several subtypes. (Shutterstock)

Type 2 diabetes is not one-size-fits-all: Subtypes affect complications and treatment options

Type 2 diabetes is not uniform; it’s a mosaic of conditions, each with its own characteristics. Understanding these subtypes may improve treatment plans and help people manage their condition better.
Toxic stress increases the risks for obesity, diabetes, depression and other illnesses. Klaus Vedfelt/Digital Vision via Getty Images

How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains the links between toxic stress and poor health − and how to get help

No one can escape stress, but sometimes it takes a physical and emotional toll that translates to disease and other health effects. The good news is that there are new approaches to treating it.
Breastfeeding lowers the risk of diabetes as well as breast and ovarian cancers for mothers. Goodboy Picture Company/E+ via Getty Images

Breastfeeding benefits mothers as much as babies, but public health messaging often only tells half of the story

Some states, especially in the Southeastern US, have large disparities in breastfeeding among racial groups, making clear the need to lower barriers for breastfeeding in the workplace and elsewhere.
Fruit bats have honed their sweet tooth through adaptive evolution. Keith Rose/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Why don’t fruit bats get diabetes? New understanding of how they’ve adapted to a high-sugar diet could lead to treatments for people

Fruit bats can eat up to twice their body weight in fruit a day. But their genes and cells evolved to process all that sugar without any health consequences − a feat drug developers can learn from.

Which blood sugar monitor is best?

There are two main types, with pros and cons for each. One thing’s certain though. Don’t rely on your watch to monitor your blood sugar levels.

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