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International Development Research Centre

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is a Canadian Crown Corporation that is part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts. The Centre invests in high-quality research in developing countries, shares knowledge globally with researchers and policymakers to inform local and global action, and mobilizes alliances to drive global positive change for a more sustainable and inclusive world. Under our Strategy 2030, we work on and fund projects in five interconnected areas of research that we believe will have the greatest impact on reducing the effects of climate change and addressing inequality, while helping to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our five major research focus areas are: Global Health, Education and Science, Democratic and Inclusive Governance, Sustainable Inclusive Economies, and Climate-Resilient Food Systems. Our head office is in Ottawa, Canada. Our five regional offices in India, Jordan, Kenya, Senegal, and Uruguay keep us close to the researchers and projects we fund in developing regions.